Ralph Young - Wroughted Iron: Weapons Devlog

Contributions to the project:

  • I contributed to the weapons in Wroughted Iron. I wanted that to be my main focus because I wanna go into more combat based learning and just loved the idea of a First Person Shooyer style game.
  • I implemented the Scattershot, Beam Gun, Carbine,  Spreadshot and Missile Swarm into weapons to be used by the player. And in the video above you can see them in action!


  • I had to figure out a way to use this interface weapons that were a previous assignment and put them as real weapons.
  • To do that I had to look over their code and figure out how their weapon worked, and also asking the creator questions to get further insight in this.
  • For the Carbine though that had to be made from scratch and our team decided on if it should be hitscan or projectile, it was originally a projectile based and shot out bullets, but we decided on switching it to hitscan for better reading on enemy hits.

What did I learn from this project?

                  I learned that communication is key in a very chaotic work-based environment and that you should always communicate with others in the same area as you along with the other teams. It also hit me that I need more contingency plans if my process failed, and how to go about that due to at points of being stuck with some of the weapons. Another point that I learned is time management is a big key that will always fluctuate based on what goes on in your life and during your project, and that sacrifices will need to be made in order to get your work done. A final point is, Unreal Engine can be more complicated and have unexpected things happen in a big team settings, due to this I had to change up my work process so I would not mess up my team.


What was the most surprising part of this project?

                  The big one was getting this all together and working, it was a miracle with our time constraint that we could get this done and be in  working condition. But for me personally it was getting all these weapons set up and working because it took a lot of work trying to mix and mash other people's ideas and weapons together into one coherent system. Even though it did have its set of challenges and draw backs, most specifically my own weapon the Missile Swarm that I brought into the project faced heavy draw backs due to how different the code was compared to how it was originally made. 

What was my greatest achievement during this project?

                  Getting all the weapons in the system to work, it filled me with great joy seeing the weapons working seeing as that was a big part of the project being a First Person Shooter and other people on the team relied heavily on them to be in working and complete condition to the best of my abilities. I would also like to thank the team for all of their great help with helping me on making sure these weapons were on the right track and working.

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