AIan Garcia - Non-Humanoid AI

  • Work Overall
    • Work: 
      • In this Game Design 3 Project, I chose to work on AI. I wanted to create elaborate AI inspired by the AI within DOOM and other games of the similar genre.
    • Technical:
      • For FlyBot, BugBot, and Hive: AI Behavior Trees, AI  Blackboards, Nav Links, AI Controllers, AI Perception, Enums for AI, AI Tasks and Decorators, Blueprint Interfaces, AI EQS's.
    • Learned:
      • I learned that making AI is a lot harder than I anticipated. I had many issues throughout the project, some of which are still not fixed. However, I am more than happy with the result, and although very crude, it is by no means unusable for the project.
    • Suprise:
      • I was most surprised by how much effort was needed by all the teams, Programming, Art, and Narrative, just to result in a dysfunctional game. Really shows how much effort game studios put into their projects. Not to mention, the amount of coordination needed by the teams just to do what should seem like simple tasks.
    • Achievements:
      • I would say my greatest achievement is finally understanding and using Environmental Queries for the AI. Originally, a friend taught me how to use them. Later, I used YouTube videos to make my own, which worked amazingly well. I am very proud of the fact that my efforts towards the AI resulted in mobile and dangerous enemies, for the player.
    • Not My Work:
      • For BugBot, FlyBot, Hive: Models, Animations, Textures, and Sounds are not my work.

  • BugBots
    • Uses Nav Links to Climb up Walls.
    • Patrols around their Hive.
    • Chases Player when the Player is spotted.
    • Damages Player when it is close enough to Bite the Player.
    • Patrols around using a EQS to decide locations.
    • Killable by Gunfire.

  • FlyBots
    • Flies using a Spring Arm.
    • When Hostile it Shoots Slow Moving Homing Projectiles towards the Player.
    • Patrols around its Hive.
    • Turns Hostile when spotting the Player.
    • Uses EQS to Patrol around Hive and to remain around the Player when Hostile.
    • Killable by Gunfire.

  • Hives
    • BugBot Hive
      • Spawns 5 BugBots
      • Respawns Lost BugBots
      • Killable by Gunfire.
    • FlyBot Hive
      • Spawns 3 FlyBots
      • Respawns Lost FlyBots
      • Killable by Gunfire.

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