Nancy Alvarez - 3D Modeler

What I did:

I was tasked with modeling and UVing. At the beginning of this project (late Oct./early Nov.), I made the smokestack, robot arm, metal frame, wall monitor, generator, and 5 conveyor belts. Mid & late Nov., I made the Spiderbot drop (shoes for wallrunning), beam gun, and Juggernaut. I also helped and UVed the Cannonhead and Flybot (late communication resulted in my UVed cannonhead no longer being needed).

My Experience:

At the beginning, I thought everything was going well. The whole art team got together and everyone was given tasks that they feel more comfortable with. I and a few others were tasked with creating 3D models for the level. I had no issues when modeling and UVing my models, along with getting it turned in before the deadline I gave myself. Everyone was being communicative in the beginning, which I found very important since we only met 2 times a week.

Through the midway point, some members haven't been meeting or haven't been as communicative at this point due to being sick or having other issues come up. I ended up finding myself having to catch up on finals for other classes after finishing the Juggernaut. While I have worked with groups before, I found it difficult when roadblocks occurred. It made me think I could've been more communicative to those that needed help in their tasks.


I definitely could've been tasked with more in the beginning to help make sure everything got sent out and implemented into the project in time for level designing. Unfortunately, it was bad timing when I had multiple finals due in one week. However, I like to think I did the best I could and tried to be communicative to the programmers, the narrative team, and to others in the art team. 


I guess an achievement of mine was stepping out my comfort zone, both as a person and a 3D modeler. I was able to talk more to peers and make sure everyone was on track and new what they were doing, along with their progress on things. As for 3D modeling, I never made a weapon or even a character before. When making the Juggernaut, I had a lot of help from the concept art as a reference, along with the looks of previously made robot models. 

Get Wroughted Iron

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